Use this special New Year time to prepare for positive change…..

Use this special New Year time to prepare for positive change…..

Getting ready for the New Year 2020…

New Years’ Eve is supposed to be a wonderful time. We have all made New Year’s resolutions with the greatest of intentions and hope for the best.

However, research has shown that only 8% of these resolutions work out.  It is a sad fact that all the best-intentioned New Year resolutions will fail within the first 3-4 weeks.

Guilt and self-recrimination start creeping in and nothing changes except another layer of negativity and feelings of failure. Sad, but true, despite the usual conversations we all have around end of year resolutions.

My suggestion:  - Make your New Year’s resolution for 2020 count with considered preparation!

In order to get to where you want to go, here are a few tips to consider:

1. Take Time – we need to pause in order to dream a little, to work out what we want. (Is it weight loss, to get fit and healthy, experience travel, change our career, strengthen a relationship, etc.,?)   Goal setting is useless until we know what we want and this is worth taking time to work that out.

2.  Ask the questions:

Why do I want to make these changes?

 Is what I want achievable?                                                                                                           

Are my goals realistic and measurable?                                                                                 

What is my best plan of action? 

When is the most suitable time this year to start?                                                                                                 

Who will support me as I work toward change?                                                                

How will I celebrate my achievements?

3. Carefully choose small bite-sized goals that are achievable. Start with small but significant changes and add to this one change at a time.

4. Write down goals, plans and achievements. This builds commitment and resolve to stick to our course of action towards our desired goal or destination.

5. Acknowledge that some changes will be difficult and results won’t happen overnight but resolve to stick with your course of action, while being open to modifying or adding to a course of action when necessary.

Honestly, January 1 is just a day in the Calendar – Choose to use this special New Year’s Eve time as a launching pad for preparation towards what you want. Prepare yourself for building a firm foundation from which to commence your carefully thought out aims and objectives reaping a rich personal reward.

Every day is an opportunity toward achieving our dreams, goals and new life destination… or not!

Get excited about this adventure as it is a great leap towards attaining a purposeful, fully alive life.